vote - traducción al árabe
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vote - traducción al árabe

Voters; Voting method; Voter; Constituent (politics); Voting citizen; Voting methods; Retrospective vote; Votation; Vote; Retrospective voting; Voted; Worldwide voting; Vote required for adoption; Voting basis; Vote and Voting; Voting bases; Vote required (parliamentary); I Voted; Voter rights
  • Young woman's first vote. [[Cooktown, Australia]].



اِقْتِراع ; اِنْتِخاب ; تَصْوِيت ; حَقُّ الاقْتِراع ; حَقُّ الانْتِخاب


أَنْقَى ; اِجْتَبَى ; اِخْتارَ ; اِسْتَخْلَصَ ; اِسْتَصْفَى ; اِسْتَطْرَفَ ; اِصْطَفَى ; اِقْتَرَعَ ; اِقْتَطَفَ ; اِنْتَخَبَ ; اِنْتَقَى ; تَخَيَّرَ ; صَوَّتَ ; نَخَبَ ; نَقَّى

صوت = مجموع الاصوات فى انتخاب = ورقة اقتراع تصويت ، اقتراع = طريقة فى التصويت حق الاقتراع قرار يتخذ بالتصويت المقترع = فئة من المقترعين ذات ميول خاصة او مشتركة اقتراح مطروح على التصويت
يصوت، يقترع يعبر عن رأى
ينتخب = يقر يعلن ، يصرح بـ يقترح
يقترع، يصوت، اقتراع، تصويت


·noun An ardent wish or desire; a vow; a prayer.
II. Vote ·noun Votes, collectively; as, the Tory vote; the labor vote.
III. Vote ·vt To choose by suffrage; to elec/; as, to vote a candidate into office.
IV. Vote ·vt To declare by general opinion or common consent, as if by a vote; as, he was voted a bore.
V. Vote ·vt To Condemn; to Devote; to Doom.
VI. Vote ·vt To enact, establish, grant, determine, ·etc., by a formal vote; as, the legislature voted the resolution.
VII. Vote ·noun That by means of which will or preference is expressed in elections, or in deciding propositions; voice; a ballot; a ticket; as, a written vote.
VIII. Vote ·noun Expression of judgment or will by a majority; legal decision by some expression of the minds of a number; as, the vote was unanimous; a vote of confidence.
IX. Vote ·vi To express or signify the mind, will, or preference, either viva voce, or by ballot, or by other authorized means, as in electing persons to office, in passing laws, regulations, ·etc., or in deciding on any proposition in which one has an interest with others.
X. Vote ·noun A wish, choice, or opinion, of a person or a body of persons, expressed in some received and authorized way; the expression of a wish, desire, will, preference, or choice, in regard to any measure proposed, in which the person voting has an interest in common with others, either in electing a person to office, or in passing laws, rules, regulations, ·etc.; suffrage.



Voting is a method by which a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, convenes together for the purpose of making a collective decision or expressing an opinion usually following discussions, debates or election campaigns. Democracies elect holders of high office by voting. Residents of a jurisdiction represented by an elected official are called "constituents," and the constituents who choose to cast a ballot for their chosen candidate are called "voters." There are different systems for collecting votes, but while many of the systems used in decision-making can also be used as electoral systems, any which cater to proportional representation can only be used in elections.

In smaller organizations, voting can occur in many different ways: formally via ballot to elect others for example within a workplace, to elect members of political associations, or to choose roles for others; or informally with a spoken agreement or a gesture like a raised hand, or electronically.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para vote
1. Vote, vote, vote.
Live Discussion Jane Fonda & Gloria Steinem _ Talks at Google
2. The vote, the vote, the vote.
Rise Up, Women! _ Diane Atkinson _ Talks at Google
3. Vote.
Comedy Central's KLEPPER _ Jordan Klepper _ Talks at Google
4. vote."
Can Learn from China _ Ann Lee _ Talks at Google
5. vote.
What We Know - Solutions from Our Experiences in the Justice System _ Vivian Nixon _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de vote
1. On this vote, a "yes" vote was a vote to approve the House–passed bill and a "no" vote was a vote to defeat it.
2. On this vote, a "yes" vote was a vote to require the increase and a "no" vote was a vote not to require it.
3. On this vote, a yes‘‘ vote was a vote in favor of the bill and a no‘‘ vote was a vote against it.
4. On this vote, a yes‘‘ vote was a vote to confirm the nomination and a no‘‘ vote was a vote to reject it.
5. On this vote, a yes‘‘ vote was a vote to pass the bill and a no‘‘ vote was a vote to defeat the bill.